Flügel & Partner

Workshop Household care

Would you like to change your career and work as a valued professional in a well-kept private household in the future? With us you will acquire the prerequisites for this. You will learn excellent material skills, excellent manners and well-organised work processes.


You will acquire expertise in handling a wide variety of valuable materials and the diverse fields of work in the house, as well as the careful care of delicate laundry. You learn about biodegradable cleaning products and the careful maintenance of equipment. In addition, you will receive a guide with tips & tricks as well as for planning your future activities. You also get the cult book "vom Fleck weg* by Erica Matile with collected secrets in household care. Seize the opportunity to develop your skills and abilities and achieve new, excellent opportunities in your career!

1. & 2. Course day

Discover together exciting theoretical basics. Deepen what you have learned in practical training sessions, with very different processes, fields of activity and materials.

Course schedule:
09:30 - 13:00
14:00 - 17:30

3. Course day

Feedback round for day 1 and 2 - answering questions - exchange of tips and tricks. Handover of certificate.

Course schedule:
09:30 - 14:00

Place and duration

The course days are on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. The inspiring training courses take place at our agency in Meilen over 2½ days, in small groups of 4 to a maximum of 6 participants.

After completing your training, we will be happy to support you in your search for a suitable job in an well-kept private household.

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